Silico formulae support a number of builtin functions with extended functionality.
Mathematical Functions
Return the absolute value of a number
abs(5) => 5
abs(-5) => 5
Round a number upwards (towards infinity)
ceil(5) => 5
ceil(5.1) => 6
ceil(-5.9) => -5
Return the natural exponential of a number
exp(0) => 0
exp(1) => 2.718..
Round a number downwards (towards negative infinity)
floor(5) => 5
floor(5.1) => 5
floor(-5.9) => -6
Take the square root of a number
sqrt(4) => 2
sqrt(16) => 4
div(x, y, z = 0)
Divide x by y. In the case where y is zero, return the fallback value z, defaulting to 0.
Return the fractional part of a number.
frac(5.5) => 0.5
frac(-5.5) => -0.5
Return the integral part of a number. This can also be thought of as rounding towards 0. Note that frac(x) + int(x)
will always equal x.
int(5.5) => 5
int(-5.5) => -5
Return the natural logarithm of a number.
ln(1) => 0
ln(2) => 0.6931..
ln(exp(3)) => 3
log(x, base = 10)
Return the logarithm of a number, with an arbitrary base. Defaults to the logarithm of base 10.
log(100) => 2
log(8, 2) => 3
bound(x, min, max)
Return a number, bounded to be between min and max.
bound(0.5, 1, 2) => 1
bound(1.5, 1, 2) => 1.5
bound(2.5, 1, 2) => 2
power(x, n)
Raise a number to the nth power. Supports fractional powers.
power(4, 2) => 16
root(x, n = 2)
Find the nth root of a number, defaulting to the 2nd root (or sqrt).
root(4) => 2
root(27, 3) => 3
Return the sign of a number, in the form of -1 for negative, and 1 for non-negative.
sign(-5) => -1
sign(0) => 1
sign(16) => 1
round(x, places = 0)
Round a number towards the nearest integer. In the case of equal distance, rounds away from 0.
round(4.4) => 4
round(4.6) => 5
round(4.5) => 5
round(-4.5) => -5
If places is provided, rounds to the given number of decimal places, otherwise following the same rules.
round(4.4, 1) => 4.4
round(4.35, 1) => 4.4
round2(x, places = 0)
Round a number using convergent rounding, or bankers' rounding. In the case of equal distance, rounds to the even number.
round2(4.5) => 4
round2(5.5) => 6
As with round, can be provided with a places argument to round to a certain number of decimal places.
round2(4.65, 1) => 4.6
round2(4.75, 1) => 4.8
Aggregation Functions
All aggregation functions take any number of arguments, and return a single result.
min(x, y, ...), max(x, y, ...)
Return the minimum or maximum value of all arguments. If no arguments are provided, return 0.
min(4, 5) => 4
min(8, 7, -2, 4) => -2
min() => 0
max(4, 5) => 5
min(8, 7, -2, 4) => 8
max() => 0
Window Functions
Window functions compute a value from their argument across time periods.
moving_avg(x, periods)
Return the simple moving average of the given expression x, across the given number of time periods.
exp_moving_avg(x, factor)
Return the exponential moving average of a given expression x, with the provided decay factor. The factor represents the fraction to which the smoothed value is updated by x. For example, a factor of 1 results in the smoothed value and x being identical. A value of 0.9 means that the smoothed value is derived by 0.9*x + 0.1*previous value
, for instance if there was a jump from 10 to 100, this would give 0.9*100 + 0.1*10
, or 91 as the smoothed value.
delay(x, periods, fallback = 0)
Return the value of the expression x the given number of time periods in the past. If the provided time offset would be 0 or point to before the start time of the model, return the fallback value. Note that delay can be used to break circular dependencies, as with a variable X depending on Y, Y can reference a delayed value of X safely.
time_lag(x, periods)
Returns the value of x the given number of periods in the future. Whereas delay looks backwards, time_lag writes into the variable’s future values and can stack multiple values into a single timestep in the future. This makes simulations that change the number of periods much safer. However, time_lag does not break circular references.
Time-Varying Functions
ramp(x, start_time)
Return a value increasing by x each time period, starting at the given start_time, which will default to the start of the model if not provided.
pulse(x, start_time, interval = 0)
Return a value that pulses at given times. If start_time is not provided, it will default to the start of the model. If interval is not provided, then the function will pulse only once (at start_time), otherwise after start_time the function will return the value x every interval time periods.
step(x, start_time)
Return a value that is 0 before start_time, and x at start_time or after. If a start_time is not provided, it defaults to the start of the model, and so will always return the value of x.
Random Number Functions
Silico provides a number of builtin functions for sampling from random number distributions. All of these functions uses a seeded pseudorandom number generator, and so will return the same sampled distributions. Each call to a pseudo-random function is however independently seeded, and so will not affect the results from other functions. Functionality for controlling the PRNG seeds will be coming in a future release.
random(max = 1)
Return a number sampled uniformly between 0 and max. Equivalent to rand_uniform(0, max).
rand_bernoulli(p = 0.5)
Return a sample from the Bernoulli distribution with default probability 0.5, i.e. an even chance between returning 0 or 1.
rand_binomial(n, p = 0.5)
Return a sample from the Binomial distribution with n trials and probability p.
rand_discrete(min = 0, max = 1)
Return a sample from the Discrete uniform distribution between given min and max bounds.
rand_uniform(min = 0, max = 1)
Return a sample from the Continuous uniform distribution between given min and max bounds.
rand_exp(lambda = 1)
Return a sample from the Exponential distribution with given lambda.
rand_exp_percentile(lambda = 1, percentile = 0.5)
Return the quantile function result for the Exponential distribution at the given percentile.
rand_gaussian(mean = 0, std_dev = 1)
Return a sample from the Gaussian distribution with given mean and standard deviation.
rand_gaussian_percentile(mean = 0, std_dev = 1, percentile = 0.5)
Return the quantile function result for the Gaussian distribution at the given percentile.
rand_pareto(xm = 1, alpha = 1.16)
Return a sample from the Pareto distribution with given xm and alpha.
rand_poisson(lambda = 1)
Return a sample from the Poisson distribution with given lambda.
rand_poisson_percentile(lambda = 1, percentile = 0.5)
Return the quantile function result for the Poisson distribution at the given percentile.
rand_poisson_binomial(p1, p2, p3..)
Return a sample from the Poisson binomial distribution with given p values.
rand_student(dof = 1)
Return a sample from the Student's t-distribution with given degrees of freedom.
Date/Time Functions
Return the day of the week on the current tick as a number where Monday = 1 and Sunday = 7. If the project time settings are tick-based, rather than date-based, returns 0.
Segmentation Functions
Silico provides additional functions to work with variables with varying segmentations. The use of these functions is further explained in the segmentation documentation.
For a input argument that is a segmented variable, this function outputs the sum across all segment values (that is, it returns a scalar value).
seg_partial_sum(segmentation, x)
If variable "x" has segmentations "A", "B" and "C", then seg_partial_sum("A", "x") will give a value that has segmentations "B" and "C", and whose values are summed across the segments of "A".
seg_partial_mul(x, y)
If variable "x" has segmentations "A" and "B", and variable "y" has segmentations "C" and "D", then seg_partial_mul("x", "y") will give a value that has segmentations "A", "B", "C" and "D", and whose individual cells are computed as:
z[i,j,k,l] = x[i,j] * y[k,l]
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